
the Petition

Sign the SAFETY4SEA Petition:
Why not consider Internet Connectivity an equally important seafarers’ need?

Internet connectivity is a necessary pathway to wellness at sea, as revealed by the 2023 SEAFiT Crew Survey. As a follow up on this key finding, SAFETY4SEA has been asked by several stakeholders and participants to test the waters, moving forward seeking ways to effect change in way of making internet connectivity of adequate quality and bandwidth a prerequisite mandatory provision for seafarers onboard ships. In that regard, we are pleased to announce the launch of the SAFETY4SEA petition asking industry stakeholders to join our cause for free Internet at sea!


As per the Maritime Labour Convention, Reg 3.2.1, each Flag Administration should ensure ships ‘’serve food and drinking water of appropriate quality, nutritional value and quantity’’ and as per Reg 3.2.2 ‘’Seafarers on board a ship shall be provided with food free of charge during the period of engagement.’’ Food and drinking water are generally considered fundamental human needs, essential for survival and well-being. However, research has shown that internet is vital for seafarers’ well-being; not only they can stay connected with their loved ones, but they can also engage in continuous learning and professional development.

So, why not examine internet connectivity from a regulatory standpoint and establish a new benchmark?

When it comes to crew welfare, we see that Internet is more than a key ingredient to seafarers’ happiness on board. Internet connection of appropriate quality and bandwidth and free access onboard can make a significant difference to life onboard. Latest SAFETY4SEA survey particularly highlighted that over 70% of the crew members do not experience difficulties in establishing good relationships with their colleagues and rely on high-quality internet access to maintain connections and communicate with their loved ones back on land, a need expressed by an astounding 91% of participants. Therefore, it is imperative that discussions about the well-being and welfare of seafarers incorporate a structured consideration of internet provisions. This approach will guarantee that all the needs of seafarers are addressed on every ship.

Now is the time for all of us in the maritime industry— from ship owners and managers, service providers, associations, flag administrations, manning agencies, and other maritime authorities — to raise our voices, accelerate our efforts, and work together to achieve progress on crew connectivity.

We encourage all stakeholders and seafarers to sign the petition below and join the conversation on social media, using the #Sign4FreeInternetOnboard. We feel that the following two (2) statements should be examined:

  1. Should we consider Internet Connectivity an equally important basic seafarer need, at least equally important with Food and Drinking Water?
  2. Should we request a regulatory change so that seafarers should be provided with internet connectivity – free of charge during the period of engagement- of appropriate quality and bandwidth that adequately covers the requirements of the ship and takes into account the differing needs and cultural backgrounds?

Let’s raise our voices together for change. Let’s tell the world on social media to #Sign4FreeInternetOnboard

Sign the petition and join our cause for free Internet at sea! It’s time to be bold on connectivity onboard!

Signatory Organizations

AIMS ♦ AlphaOmegaZed S.Ltd ♦ Anglo Eastern Crew Management Philippines Inc. ♦ AnMar Limited ♦ Ardmore Shipping ♦ Associació Catalana de Capitanes de la Marina Mercante ♦ Australian Mariners Welfare Society ♦ B2You Global ♦ Baltic States Marine Surveyors and Consultants Association ♦ Basin Street Technologies Inc ♦ Business Services International “BSI” Dhaka ♦ Bulgarian Seafarers’ Trade Union (STU) ♦ Captain Association of North Adriatic-Rijeka ♦ Cordial Shipping Inc. ♦ FrontM Ltd. ♦ GAC Shipping SA ♦ GSR Services GmbH ♦ International Windship Association (IWSA) ♦ Invicta Marine Ltd. ♦ ISECMAR-UTA ♦ Joint Development Associates Ltd ♦ Klip Marine & Offshore Consulting GmbH ♦ Konkar Shipping Agencies S.A. ♦ Levante Ferries M.C. ♦ Magsaysay Maritime Corp. ♦ Marin Shipmanagement Limited ♦ Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP) ♦ Marine & Industrial Systems Ltd ♦ Marine Consultancy Group ♦ Maritime Union of Australia ♦ Mission to Seafarers Australia Council ♦ Misuga Kaiun ♦ Navarone S.A. ♦ Novamaxis Pte Ltd ♦ Ocean-Wide World Pte Ltd ♦ Oesterreichischer Lloyd Seereederei (Cyprus) Ltd. ♦ One Care Solutions Ltd ♦ PetroVietnam Transportation ♦ Philippine Association of Extension Program Implementers (PAEPI) – Global ♦ PL Complex Cargo Ltd. ♦ PMS Marine ♦ POSH Subsea ♦ Riverr ♦ Safety and Health Awareness for a Resilient Community (SHARC) ♦ SafetyFolder ♦ SalusTech Ltd. ♦ Secumarit ♦ SMTC Global ♦ SOHES ♦ Tufton Asset Management ♦ United Filipino Seafarers ♦ UT-STC ♦ Varuna Marine Services BV ♦ Verband Deutscher Kapitäne und Schiffsoffiziere e.V. (VDKS) ♦ VKANDOO Marine And Shore Solutions ♦ West Enterprise Ship Management ♦ Zeaborn Marine Services ♦ Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs)



54,519 signatures so far.
Let’s get this to 100,000 signatures!