Stay SEAFiT and embrace a new wellbeing mindset
Sign the SAFETY4SEA Petition:
Why not consider Internet Connectivity an equally important seafarers’ need?
Internet connectivity is a necessary pathway to wellness at sea, as revealed by the 2023 SEAFiT Crew Survey. As a follow up on this key finding, SAFETY4SEA has been asked by several stakeholders and participants to test the waters, moving forward seeking ways to effect change in way of making internet connectivity of adequate quality and bandwidth a prerequisite mandatory provision for seafarers onboard ships. In that regard, we are pleased to announce the launch of the SAFETY4SEA petition asking industry stakeholders to join our cause for free Internet at sea!
We encourage all stakeholders and seafarers to sign the petition and join the conversation on social media, using the #Sign4FreeInternetOnboard. We feel that the following two (2) statements should be examined:
- Should we consider Internet Connectivity an equally important basic seafarer need, at least equally important with Food and Drinking Water?
- Should we request a regulatory change so that seafarers should be provided with internet connectivity – free of charge during the period of engagement- of appropriate quality and bandwidth that adequately covers the requirements of the ship and takes into account the differing needs and cultural backgrounds?
2024 SEAFiT Crew Survey Report: Highlighting seafarers’ wellbeing priorities
As the global maritime industry continues to navigate an era of transformation, the wellbeing of seafarers remains a cornerstone for its sustainable future. The 2024 SEAFiT Crew Survey -the largest global study on crew welfare- provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities in fostering a healthy, resilient, and satisfied workforce. With over 21,000 participants representing 1,614 ships, this year’s findings spotlight the priorities that demand immediate attention from maritime stakeholders.
Gone are the days when seafarer welfare was solely viewed through the lens of mental health. Today, the focus has shifted to encompass physical health, social connections, and overall happiness. The 2024 SEAFiT Index -a measure of overall wellness- stands at 72.5%, a slight decline from 2023’s 74.2%. This drop underscores the need for proactive measures across the industry.
The SEAFiT Crew Survey is an annual initiative by SAFETY4SEA, offering comprehensive insights into seafarer welfare through feedback from thousands of crew members globally. It serves as a vital tool for industry stakeholders to address challenges and enhance crew satisfaction and performance. The survey took place during Q2 & Q3 of 2024, asking from people onboard and ashore to provide feedback on how they perceive several wellness/wellbeing factors regarding their work and life at sea.