
SEAFiT, powered by SAFETY4SEA, is a pioneering mental health program providing comprehensive guidance and a holistic approach to maritime stakeholders to evaluate the mental health state of both their shore and sea staff and raise awareness over wellbeing issues.

Available Services

Mental health organisational awareness audit

Determine baseline level on company culture, attitudes and knowledge on mental health

Why you need this

To identify what you do well and what you need to improve in to promote a healthy culture that is supportive to the mental health of employees

Mental health policies / manual

Review existing policies, ensure they are inclusive of mental health, design new policies

Why you need this

To normalize mental health and help embed it to the organisation's culture

Mental health awareness and literacy training

Raise mental health awareness across staff

Why you need this

To normalize mental health and help embed it to the organisation's culture

Crew mental health assessment

Evaluate mental health state of seafarers

Why you need this

To ensure seafarers aboard vessels are mentally strong and able to deal with challenges

Office personnel mental health assessment

Evaluate mental health state of office staff

Why you need this

To ensure office staff is mentally strong and able to deal with challenges

Organisational stress levels assessment

Determine levels of stress employees may be experiencing at the organisation

Why you need this

To identify organisational performance across the key factors influencing employee mental health and well-being

Stress management training for managers

Educate management on the workplace factors causing stress and affecting employee mental health and well-being and equip them with skills to sustain a healthy workplace

Why you need this

To provide management with tools and practices to actively promote and spread mental health

Mental health hotline

Provide access to a mental health support line, 24-7

Why you need this

To ensure your staff onboard and ashore feels supported and helped in times of need

Customized mental health campaign

Design action plans that support employee mental health, ensure a positive employee experience and promote a healthy workplace culture

Why you need this

To ensure continuous improvement in mental health and employee well-being practices