SEAFiT Crew Survey Report 2023

Crew Survey Report | 2023 25 Highlights The answer that scored the highest satisfaction level among seafarers was the Q15. How often do you contact with your family/friends? . The 90.4% of satisfaction level indicates that seafarers were satisfied the progress of opportunities given on board for contacting home. However this is a kind of paradox as in open feedback the majority of “complaints” was internet availability on board. On the other hand, the question with lowest satisfaction level was the Q67. Increased workloads and fatigue don’t help in socializing during rest hours . The 48.7% marked on this question shows that work pressure and stress affects the socializing on board. This is something to be expected as after pressured during work a seafarer would rather rest than engage to socializing activities. Conclusions Welfare on board is defined by a variety of fac- tors for seafarers and the results of this survey re- vealed that many critical elements concerning the life onboard are in high satisfactory levels. While the in- dustry is currently addressing the aspects of wellness on board responsibly and significant steps have been made so far by many maritime stakeholders, more ac- tions are needed to maintain and enhance the level of satisfaction. ● ● Industry still has a high satisfaction level for wellness. ● ● Health issues which were in top priority dur- ing COVID pandemic crisis now have been removed from seafarers daily concerns. ● ● Despite the progress made for connecting seafarers with their homes during their service on board there are still complaints about poor Internet connection and communication with people ashore. ● ● Wages and salary plays an important role to seafarers wellbeing. ● ● The majority focused on the need for recrea- tional activities and mental support onboard. ● ● Particular attention was given to ways to en- hance mental, physical and social wellbeing (i.e. schedule meetings for resilient best prac- tices, improve recreation facilities and nutri- tion, organize activities onboard). With regards to crew satisfaction, the survey re- vealed that ship age and type play a significant role. Overall, male seafarers appear to be more satisfied than females. Filipino seafarers were the most satis- fied and Italian seafarers the least satisfied nationality groups. 36-55 is the most satisfied and >60 are the least satisfied age groups. Catering department is the most satisfied, followed by engine and deck depart- ment, respectively. Also, officers seem to be less sat- isfied than ratings. Crews serving on tankers are generally the most satisfied, while crew on general cargo ships are the least satisfied. Overall, the most satisfied seafarers serve on Gas Carriers. SURVEY ANALYS I S