SEAFiT Crew Survey Report 2023
Crew Survey Report | 2023 21 Welfare per Ships’ Type MLC Convention has set a series of minimum re- quirements for the improvement of life on board. These requirements have created a good working en- vironment for seafarers in respect of accommodation and facilities provided. Different types of ships provide different opportu- nities and approach on crew wellbeing, due to con- struction issues firstly and working conditions second- ary. Additionally, different types of ships, trading in dif- ferent ways (eg Terminal vs Port) provide different op- Tanker Gas Tanker (LNG) 74.2% 76.8% CWI (Crew Welfare Index) CWI Average Gas Tanker (LPG) 75.5% CWI=74.2% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 50% Wellness Communication Happiness Wellbeing Gas Tanker (LNG) Tanker Gas Tanker (LPG) Wet Cargo portunities for shore leave and connection with other places and cultures, all over the world. In order to have a better analysis of survey results, the ship types used teamed in three groups. 1. Wet Cargo 2. Dry Cargo & containers 3. Other Cargo SURVEY ANALYS I S
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