SEAFiT Crew Survey Report 2023

Crew Survey Report | 2023 2 Α t SAFETY4SEA, we are running several initiatives on crew welfare and we are excited to draw your at- tention to our latest survey, the 2023 SEAFiT Crew survey, which stands as the largest of its kind globally. This sur- vey witnessed an unprecedented par- ticipation of approximately 1.6K ships and 19K seafarers, unveiling crucial in- sights that have remained obscured in other industry surveys. Notably, it has brought to the fore- front the mental health challenges en- countered by crew members at sea, emphasizing the imperative of prioritiz- ing physical well-being. Furthermore, the survey has underscored the signif- icance of internet access and connec- tivity, reaffirming that maintaining com- munication with loved ones remains a top priority for seafarers. In essence, the survey has provided a comprehen- sive insight into the primary concerns Contents 3 Summary 8 Survey Analysis 9 Demographics 12 Index summary 14 Index analysis 16 Further demographic related analysis About WELCOME SAFETY4SEA ( ) is Fostering Sustainable Shipping for more than 14 years, hosting the lead- ing , (200k visitors monthly) producing monthly magazines & tailored publications (100k p.a. circ. onboard & ashore) & Industry Surveys along with e-mail, video & social media, delivering SAFETY4SEA, GREEN4SEA, SMART4SEA, CAREER4SEA & Crew Welfare Week Forums & Awards. of seafarers and the crucial aspects that define their life at sea. While im- proved connectivity is undoubtedly ad- vantageous, seafarers need to main- tain a balance, valuing the develop- ment of relationships with their fellow colleagues on board. There can be no ships or shipping without seafarers, this is why crew wel- fare has become a key priority in indus- try’s agenda. It is said that happiness is not the absence of problems but rath- er the ability to face and manage them properly. This is why our priority should be to make seafarers more resilient facing all challenges onboard, aiming to provide satisfaction with their work and life while onboard. Ultimately, a happy crew provides a welcoming, safe, inclusive, and pos- itive environment onboard. Remember that individually we are one drop, but together we are an ocean! Apo Belokas Managing Editor 25 Highlights 25 Conclusions 26 Key areas of concern 28 Appendix A: Survey Responses 54 Appendix B: Data Analytics